# 4835

A casa era o lugar da paz e da tormenta

A luz mais clara
Começava a declinar-se
Pelos corredores silenciosos
Estreitavam-se todas as vozes
Entre as paredes da memória

Mal a percorríamos
Com passos acomodados
Ouvíamos pelas suas frestas
É preciso deixar estalar a cal
É preciso deixar morrer os retratos

A casa era o lugar mais longo do desapego

The house was the place of peace and storm

The clearest light
Started to decline
Though the silent corridors
All voices were narrowed
Between the walls of memory

We barely walked it
With comfortable steps
We heard through its cracks
It’s necessary to let the lime crack
It’s necessary to let the portraits die

The house was the longest place of detachment

Texto | Text: Maria Moreno
Fotografia | Photography: Anna Monica Rigon

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