# 4316

Trazes a paz, os pés, e os mapas que nos percorrem
Trazes o palco, o pano aberto, e o ensaio do novo mundo
Trazes a boca e trazes a fala
Trazes a lei
dos melhores beijos e das melhores conversas se fazem os casamentos
Trazes o pó das flores
o canto dos pássaros
o uivo dos bichos
e acasalamos como a natureza
Apagas a luz devagar quando é noite
Acendes os corpos quando chegam as madrugadas
Não tenhas pressa, as árvores murmuram o que o universo conspirou.

You bring the peace, the feet, and the maps that run through us
You bring the stage, the open cloth, and the rehearsal of the new world
You bring the mouth and you bring speech
You bring the law
From the best kisses and the best conversations marriages are made.
You bring the dust of flowers
the song of birds
the howl of the animals
and we mate like nature
You turn out the light slowly when it's night
You light the bodies when the dawn comes
Take your time, the trees whisper what the universe has conspired.

Texto | Text: Ana Miguel Socorro
Fotografia | Photography: Giorgos Kitsos

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